Develon Construction Machinery

As one of the largest Develon dealers in the country, Lloyd Ltd can offer their full range of mini, crawler and wheeled excavators, articulated dump trucks and wheel loaders to suit a wide range of applications.

We have dedicated Sales Specialists who cover North Yorkshire, including East Riding, County Durham and Teesside from our branch at Bishop Auckland, and across the North East up to our branch at Newcastle, backed up by mobile engineers to provide full support for your machinery wherever you are.


* HDI has replaced the DOOSAN brand on its construction equipment and introducing its new brand named DEVELON.



For more details

Please contact our Sales Specialists for more on the Develon range



Andrew Hodgson:



Jon Cousin:

Find out about Lloyd Ltd customer Shaun Wall's experience of Develon and Lloyd Ltd

For more information

To learn more about the Develon range or Lloyd Ltd’s Service and Parts support, contact your local Lloyd Ltd branch or complete the following form.

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